Sunday, October 11, 2015

Theft was NOT in the budget

Ok I hate to be a Debbie Downer right off the bat because if you know me I'm typically a happy bubbly person.  I find the optimism in just about any situation.  Sure the last couple years have been well...unlucky and at time felt unfair but that's life right.  I once heard someone ask, "can you imagine how boring life would be if everything was just ok all the time and there were no ups and downs?"  That has stuck with me so even when bad things like theft happen, I try to find a lesson to be learned and move on.

So we have a storage unit that was broken into and they just so happened to steal everything that was in our garage from our last place...and I mean EVERYTHING!  Oh wait, they did leave us a rake and shovel.  Bless their hearts.  I don't know what you have in your garage but in the Bertie's garage we have tools galore and those tools were going to be used to build this house.  How the hell are you supposed to build a house without tools???  So of course panic and anger set in.  Little Lucy said, "they could have just asked for it."  Let's just say we heart to heart about working hard for the things you have and never taking anything from anyone.  They also wrecked some household items but the tools are the devastating part.  To make it worse...our deductible is $3400!!!  ::insert me slamming my head against a wall::  You see I was oblivious as to how our insurance worked.  Apparently our homeowners covers our storage unit, great...not so great!  We then have to pay that deductible even on our RENTED storage unit!  Because we thought we were being smart about paying lower premiums for higher deductible in case our house burned down at some point we thought we were good to go, except when "little" things like this happen it about knocks you over.  So Lesson #14038672 - pay more attention to your insurance policy and have them walk you through scenarios so that you don't feel misinformed.  I'm not gonna lie, I feel incredibly misinformed and while I take most the blame for it I sure wish my insurance agent would have piped in - just sayin'.

MOVING ON!  This weekend we worked on POWER!!!  We had to trench in the power from the power box to the house.  I'm pretty lucky here cause my Mr. Bertie is an electrician so we got the hook up!  I even got to run the trencher!  We also ran power out to the pet house/kids fort and also out to where a future shed will the very far future ;)  It's better to get it in now rather than later when everything is looking spiffy.

Because a Trenching Selfie felt appropriate

We also put up all the outlet and switch boxes throughout the house.  When you marry an electrician you better believe your house is going to be well lit.  He also drilled through the studs to run the wire.    Tomorrow, if it's not too windy, they start the trusses and by the end of the week we'll be ready to shingle!!!

We also ran to Menards for some insulation as they were having the 11% Rebate and we will be doing insulation soon.  Let's talk numbers:

Underground Foam Insulation:
  BUDGET: $5658
  ACTUAL: $3850

House/Garage Insulation:
  BUDGETL: $5676
  ACTUAL: $4267
  DIFFERANCLE: +$1409 YAY again!  Plus we'll get 11% ($469) back in rebate!


    - I will encourage all of you to talk to your insurance agent about your current policy.  Do an all around look at your rates, premiums, deductibles and really get to know your situation so that you don't have to learn about it the hard way like us.  Oh and we did lower our deductible to $1k and no they will not do a separate policy for a storage unit - UGH!

  - Search for good deals people!  It pays off as you can see!

  -  If you are not on a budget yet I HIGHLY encourage you to get on one and is THE BEST budgeting tool out there.  So easy to use and I promise you that if you are not on a budget right now and you get on one, it will feel like an insta-raise!  "Tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went." ~ Dave Ramsey

Oh and one last thing...we're having a Shingling Party this next weekend!  Beer, Pizza and Gas Gift Cards if you feel like helping the Berties out!

{as always we love hearing from you so feel free to post 
questions & comments and share with others!}


  1. Oh man Alicia! So sorry to hear that. On a happy note, you look great on that trencher! And it looks as though you are making great progress on the house. Keep it up!

  2. That's a big fat kick in the shins! Our storage unit was broke into last year but because i had so much CRAP covering the good stuff they missed it, other units had stuff stolen as well :( My husband bought a special pad lock that cannot be cut, can't remember what it's called but it's shaped like a disk. I can ask the hubby ,but totally worth a few extra dollars! Sounds like you have a good attitude about it, it is what it is and in the end you will have a beautiful house!!! Thanks for the insurance tip, I was not aware. My husbands tools are covered under another policy for his business, tools are soooo expensive i thinks his tools are worth more than our house :P On a positive note the budget looks great, good job and nice trenching ;)

  3. Ouch! Sorry to hear about the storage unit! Looks great, PLEASE remember to be safe while you are building, don't take any shortcuts, I want you all to be able to enjoy your hard work that you put into your new house.
